The importance of the revisit –
Do I really need to come back?
A follow up appointment allows for multiple essential events to occur:
The long-term planning – Where do we go from here?
In most of otitis cases, there will be a primary factor which led to the current ear problem. It might be a quick fix like a grass seed in the ear canal or parasites residing in the ear, but in a majority of cases, allergic skin disease is the problem. This primary problem might be further complicated by a less fortunate ear shape or perhaps a habit of frequent swimming.
Early intervention is beneficial. If you quickly get to terms with the actual cause of your dog's ear condition, you and your vet team will find a long - lasting solution that works for all parties. This might include regular use of an ear cleaner, or an anti-inflammatory ear drop.
This means less pain for your dog and a feeling of understanding and empowerment that you now know what you need to do and when.